How does Catalyst Education supervise children's learning progress?
Teachers will arrange monthly quizzes and two assessments per year, and meet with parents once every six months to discuss their children's progress in class.
How can I know if my child is actually attending class?
You can check your child's attendance record through the Catalyst Education app.
How can I excuse my child if they are sick or have an emergency?
Please request a leave of absence through the Catalyst Education app or by contacting customer service 3 ~ 4 days before the class day so that we have enough time to arrange makeup classes for you. If there are unforeseen circumstances such as illness or bereavement leave, please contact customer service directly and we will provide makeup class according to individual circumstances.
What is the teacher's teaching style?
Teachers mainly use self-made notes, videos, and games to interact with children. After class, they will provide appropriate practice exercises so that children can review more effectively.
I would like to know more about Catalyst Education’s teaching materials.
We will arrange teaching materials according to the school textbook unit, plus regularly communicate & discuss with examiners to update the teaching materials, so that students can obtain the latest materials as soon as possible. Welcome to our YouTube to learn more about our teaching information.
What if my child has a class related questions after class?
Any questions encountered in schoolwork or during class can be directly contacted with the teacher privately through WhatsApp after class.
What is E-Memory?
Catalyst Education’s unique E-Memory teaching method helps students simplify complex subject by using popular music, painting, mnemonics, etc., so that students can master the unit.
I would like to know more about your tuition classes.
They are mainly divided into regular classes and short-term classes.
Regular classes last for one year and supplementary courses are arranged according to the school's class time.
Short-term classes last from 3 to 6 months. Teachers will evaluate and provide various short-term classes to meet student needs every month, such as writing skills classes for school exams, SPM intensive classes, K2 language classes, etc.
What are your teaching qualifications?
Our teachers receive training to ensure their teaching methods and knowledge are up to date.
How do you charge for tuition?
We operate on a monthly payment system. Tuition fees are to be paid within the first seven days of each month.
What are the class hours?
All subject class hours (regular classes and short-term classes) are 1 hour and 15 minutes.
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And Help Cultivate Students.

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  • Ms Tee

    • A patient and meticulous teacher, loved by students
    • Teaching style is friendly and fun, well-liked by students
    • A dedicated teacher who creates a relaxed atmosphere for students to enjoy learning
  • Ms Shu Xian

    • Treat students fairly and with attention
    • A teacher who is also a friend
  • Ms Kim

    • Basic and Advanced Mathematics Teacher
    • Master of Applied Mathematics
    • Bachelor of Science with Honours (Mathematical Sciences)
    • Interactive teaching
    • Using E-Memory teaching method
  • Ms Khoo

    • Graduated with a Bachelor of Business Psychology
    • Patiently treat and teach students
    • She has a good rapport with students
    • Treat students and parents with care
  • Ms Geetha

    • Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Education
    • Proficient in multiple languages (English, Malay, Chinese, and Tamil)
    • Participated in global learning programs
    • Provides an effective learning environment with an approachable teaching style
  • Ms Chloe

    • An advisor skilled in helping students solve problems and challenges
    • An advisor who guides and mentors students with a personalized, holistic, and professional approach
    • A patient and caring advisor for students
  • Ms Bianca

    • Primary school English, Science, and Chinese teacher
    • Teaches each student with dedication
    • Employs fun and personalized teaching methods
  • Ms Aw

    • Primary and secondary school Malay Language and Mathematics teacher
    • Primary school Chinese teacher
    • Skilled in listening and caring for students
    • Focuses on students’ learning attitudes, encourages independent learning
  • Ms Ashley

    • A patient and caring advisor for students
    • A student-centered advisor
    • An advisor who provides help and support to students and parents
  • Ms Yin

      • Director of Catalyst Education Center
      • Organized numerous further education seminars
      • Helped over 500 students analyze further education issues
      • Assisted over 50 teachers in completing their university studies
  • Ms Windy

    • Over 10 years of teaching experience
    • Head of History and Geography & English Department for Secondary School
    • Head of Economics & Business Department
    • Specializes in exam question analysis
    • Regularly communicates with examiners
    • She has nurtured countless elite students
    • Invited to conduct history seminars at schools
  • Ms Wendy

    • The appointed Chinese and History teacher by parents and students
    • Uses interesting and humorous teaching methods
    • Has conducted history seminars at schools
    • Over 10 years of teaching experience
    • Head of Primary School Chinese Department
  • Ms Vivien

    • Graduated from Taylor’s University with a major in Psychology
    • Over 5 years of experience teaching primary school English and Malay
    • Possesses strong observation skills and is adept at communicating with students and parents
  • Ms Venus

    • Specializes in secondary school science and high school science materials and the latest exam questions
    • Uses real-life science teaching methods
    • The designated mathematics and science teacher by parents and students
    • Regularly communicates with examiners
  • Ms Vei

    • Treats parents and students with patience
    • Carefully observes students’ learning and growth
    • A teacher deeply loved by students
  • Ms Tan

    • She has nurtured over 500 students to achieve A grades
    • Organized at least 50 seminars
    • Over 10 years of teaching experience
    • Recipient of the Outstanding Model Teacher Award
    • A gold medal teacher chosen by students and parents
    • Uses engaging and humorous teaching methods
  • Ms Shilin

    • Over 10 years of daycare experience
    • Skilled in solving students’ problems
  • Ms Poh

    • Over 10 years of teaching experience
    • Outstanding Head of Primary School English Department
    • She has nurtured over a hundred students from failing to passing
  • Ms Ong

    • The designated mathematics and science teacher in the hearts of parents
    • Over 10 years of teaching experience
    • She has nurtured more than 200 elite students to achieve A or above in mathematics
  • Ms Cindy

    • Graduated from TARC with a Diploma in Graphic Design
    • 3 years of design experience
    • Responsible for designing Catalyst flyers, posters, banners, Facebook design images, etc.
  • Ms Chris

    • Over 10 years of teaching experience
    • Uses an engaging and humorous teaching method
    • She has helped over 200 students to achieve double A’s in Chinese subject
    • Head of Chinese for primary and secondary department
    • Manager of the Daycare Department
  • Ms Anna

    • One of the teachers loved by parents and students
    • Responsible for part of the sales consultant role
    • Skilled at introducing courses to parents
  • Ms Fang

    • One of the teachers loved by students
    • Treats each student with patience
    • Skilled in listening and communicating students’ growth and progress
  • Ms Evelyn

    • One of the primary school Malay language material editing teachers
    • Skilled in step-by-step teaching
    • Developed E-Memory teaching, making learning more engaging for students
  • Ms Gan

    • Graduated from Federation University, Australia
    • Invited to conduct language class seminars at the school
    • Regularly communicates with examiners for the latest information
    • Head of Malay Language Department for secondary school
  • Ms Florence

    • Primary school Malay/English teacher
    • Proficient in online and offline teaching
    • Values explanations and teaches with patience
    • Every child has unique potential; with positive guidance, they can surely grow.
  • Ms Jade

    • Primary school English and Mathematics teacher
    • Proficient in three major languages (Chinese, Malay, and English)
    • Focuses on educating students to develop independent thinking and comprehension skills
  • Ms Hui

    • Over 10 years of teaching experience
    • Invited to conduct motivational seminars at schools
    • Specializes in effective teaching methods for primary and secondary language subjects
    • Committee member of the Catalyst E-Memory Teaching Development Group
    • Regularly communicates with examiners
    • A senior teacher trusted by parents
  • Ms Joan

    • Teaches students with dedication and patience
    • Skilled in listening to and communicating about students’ issues
    • Diligently serves and communicates with parents, maintaining good relationships
    • Gets along well with students and is loved by them
  • Ms Lau

    • Graduated from UCSI University with a Bachelor’s degree in Food Science and Nutrition
    • Primary school Chinese language teacher
    • Daycare class teacher
    • Teaches students with dedication and patience
    • Diligently serves and communicates with parents, maintaining good relationships
  • Ms Lim

    • Over 10 years of experience as an educational consultant
    • A teacher trusted by both parents and students
    • Recipient of the Best Dedicated Teacher Award
  • Ms May

    • A patient, caring, and dedicated daycare teacher
    • Regularly contacts parents
    • A teacher well-liked by both students and parents
  • Mr Seng Hua

    • Education is the starting point of dreams, dedicated to helping every student achieve their dreams and goals.
  • Mr Oscar

    • Malay Language teacher
    • Uses fun teaching methods
  • Mr Chan

    • Catalyst Education Center Director
    • Organized numerous further education seminars
    • Helped over 500 students analyse further education issues
    • Assisted over 50 teachers in completing their university studies
  • Mr Clay

    • Primary and secondary school Chinese and Mathematics teacher
    • Primary school History teacher
    • Teaches with patience, dedicated to developing students’ reading and thinking skills
  • Mr Jayden

    • Teaches each student with dedication and patience
    • Uses joyful teaching methods
    • Responsible for primary school Chinese, Science, Mathematics, and other subjects
  • Mr Lenard

    • Passionate, responsible, and focused on cultural development
  • Ms Mohanaa

    • Graduated in Bachelor of English (TESOL) Hons. with CGPA of 3.5
    • Multilingual (English, Malay, Chinese & Tamil)
    • Provides conductive and effective learning environment for students with different learning styles.
    • Participated in International Exchange Program to Cambodia
  • Ms Tee

    • 耐心细致,深受学生爱戴的教师
    • 教学风格亲切幽默,深受学生喜爱
    • 用心教学的教师,让学生在轻松的氛围中享受学习
  • Mr Seng Hua

    • 教育是梦想的起点,致力于帮助每个学生实现他们的梦想和目标
  • Mr Lenard

    • 热情, 负有责任感,注重文化培养
  • Ms Kim

    • 基本数学与高阶数学老师
    • 数学应用硕士
    • 理科荣誉学士学位(科技数学)
    • 互动式教学
    • 采用E-Memory教学法
  • Ms Geetha

    • 教育学士毕业
    • 精通多种语言(英语、马来语、华语及淡米尔语)
    • 参与全球学习计划
    • 以平易近人的教学方式提供有效的学习环境
  • Ms Ashley

    • 毕业于Bachelor in Marketing
    • 对学生有着耐心和爱心的顾问老师
    • 以学生为中心的顾问老师
    • 为学生和家长提供帮助和支持的顾问老师
  • Ms Chloe

    • 擅长帮助学生解决问题和挑战的顾问老师
    • 以个性化、全面性和专业性的方法来指导和辅导学生的顾问老师
    • 对学生有着耐心和爱心的顾问老师
  • Ms Khoo

    • 毕业于Bachelor of Business Psychology
    • 耐心对待和教导学生
    • 与学生相处融洽
    • 用心对待学生和家长
  • Ms Shu Xian

    • 毕业于Diploma in Computer Science
    • 公平对待与关注学生
    • 亦师亦友的老师
  • Ms Aw

    • 中小学马来文与数学老师
    • 小学华文老师
    • 善于倾听及关爱学生
    • 注重学生的学习态度,鼓励学生自主学习
  • Ms Bianca

    • 小学英文、科学与华文老师
    • 用心教导每一位学生
    • 采取幽默和个性化教学
  • Mr Oscar

    • 国文组老师
    • 幽默化教学
  • Mr Clay

    • 中小学华文与数学老师
    • 小学历史老师
    • 耐心授课,致力于培养学生的阅读、思考能力
  • Ms Yin

    • 卓越教育中心院长
    • 举办多场升学讲座
    • 帮助超过500位学生分析升学问题 • 帮助超过50位老师完成大学学业
  • Ms Windy

    • 10年以上教书经验
    • 中学史地科 & 英文科主任
    • Ekonomi & Perniagaan 主任
    • 专研考题分析
    • 定期与考官交流
    • 栽培无数精英生
    • 被邀请到学校办历史讲座
  • Ms Wendy

    • 家长和学生指定的华文和历史老师
    • 采用有趣幽默化教学法
    • 曾到学校举办历史讲座会
    • 拥有10年以上的教书经验
    • 小学华文科主任
  • Ms Vivien

    • 毕业于Taylor’s University 主修心理学
    • 拥有5年以上教小学英文和国文科经验
    • 拥有很强的观察能力和善于沟通学生以及家长
  • Ms Venus

    • 专研中学理科和高中科学资料和最新考题
    • 采用生活化科学教学
    • 家长和学生指定的数理科老师
    • 定期与考官交流
  • Ms Vei

    • 耐心对待家长与学生
    • 细心观察学生的学习与成长
    • 深爱学生喜爱的老师
  • Ms Tan

    • 培育超过500位学生拿A的佳绩
    • 曾办过至少50场的讲座
    • 拥有10年以上的教书经验
    • 曾荣获卓越楷模级模范教师奖
    • 学生与家长指定的金牌老师
    • 采用生动、幽默教学法
  • Ms Shilin

    • 10年以上托育经验
    • 善于解决学生的问题
  • Ms Ong

    • 家长心中指定的数理科教师
    • 10年以上的教学经验
    • 曾栽培超过200位数学A以上的精英生
  • Ms Poh

    • 拥有超过10年的教书经验
    • 卓越小学组英文主任
    • 栽培超过百位学生从不及格到及格
  • Ms Mohanaa

    • 毕业于英语教学(TESOL)荣誉学士学位,CGPA为3.5
    • 会多种语言(英语、马来语、中文和泰米尔语)
    • 为具有不同学习风格的学生提供良好和有效的学习环境
    • 参加了柬埔寨的国际交流项目
  • Ms May

    • 托育耐心、爱心、用心的老师
    • 定期与家长联系
    • 受学生和家长欢迎的老师
  • Ms Lim

    • 拥有10年教育顾问经验
    • 家长与学生信赖的老师
    • 曾荣获最佳用心老师奖项
  • Ms Lau

    • 毕业于 UCSI University,食品科学与营养学,学士学位
    • 小学华文科老师
    • 托育班主任
    • 用心&耐心教导学生
    • 用心服务&沟通家长,与家长保持良好关系
  • Ms Joan

    • 用心&耐心教导学生
    • 善于倾听&沟通学生的问题
    • 用心服务&沟通家长 保持良好关系
    • 与学生相处融洽 受学生喜爱
  • Mr Jayden

    • 用心&耐心教导每一位学生
    • 欢乐式教学
    • 负责小学华文、科学、数学等科目
  • Ms Jade

    • 小学英文和数学老师
    • 精通三大语文科(华、国、英)
    • 注重教育学生自主思考能力和理解能力
  • Ms Hui

    • 10年以上教学经验
    • 被邀请到学校主办激励讲座
    • 专研中小学语文科有效教学法
    • 卓越E-Memory教学研发小组委员
    • 定期与考官交流
    • 家长信赖的资深老师
  • Ms Gan

    • 被邀请到学校办语文课讲座
    • 定期与考官交流最新资讯
    • 中学国文科主任
  • Ms Florence

    • 小学国语/英语班老师
    • 掌握线上/线下教学
    • 重视解释,耐心教导
    • 每个孩子都有独一无二的潜能,正面引导,必能有所成长
  • Ms Fang

    • 受学生喜爱老师之一
    • 耐心对待每一位学生
    • 善于倾听与沟通学生成长的进步
  • Ms Evelyn

    • 毕小学国文资料编辑老师之一
    • 擅长步骤化教学
    • 研发E-Memory教学,使学生能够有趣化学习
  • Ms Cindy

    • 毕业于TARC 主修Diploma in Graphic Design
    • 拥有3年设计经验
    • 责设计卓越传单, 海报, 布条, FB设计图等等
  • Ms Chris

    • 拥有10年以上的教书经验
    • 采用有趣幽默教学法
    • 栽培超过200位华文双A的学生
    • 中小学华文科主任
    • 托育部培训官
  • Mr Chan

    • 卓越教育中心院长
    • 举办多场升学讲座
    • 帮助超过500位学生分析升学问题
    • 帮助超过50位老师完成大学学业
  • Ms Anna

    • 受家长与学生喜爱的老师之一
    • 负责sales consultant的部分
    • 善于与家长介绍课程